First of all I want to apologize to you. I was kind of wrapped up in my own chaios over the weekend and for the first part of this week and I didn't realize that you had slipped. I want to apologize for not being there for you.
Second... I will you once again what I told you over 100 days ago... When your desire not to smoke outweights your desire to smoke, you will quit.
You know that smoking doesn't solve a thing. It doesn't cure depression, it doesn't resolve anger, it doesn't make financial problems go away, it does not heal broken relationships, it doesn't cure the common cold, or relieve stress. You know all these things. You also know that life happens whether we smoke or not and that we had bad days when we were still smoking.
I want to tell you something else that you already know, Smoking will kill you my friend. Get rid of the junkie. This is a horrible addiction. You have to make the choice each and every single morning when you get up that "today, I will not smoke". That is a choice that you will have to make every single day for the rest of your life because you, like the rest of us, are an addict.
I didn't realize until I quit what a slave I was to the addiction and how much it controlled my life. That is something that I vow not to give into again. Somedays that is easy and others it is really hard. I have battled depression, I have battled anger, fought with an 18 year old who thinks she is grown, argued with a father that thinks I am 16 and that stupidity is funny, worked full time, gone to school full time and been so tired that I had a migraine headache for about 2 full weeks. I have dealt with all of these things during my quit.
I have had to dig deep into the pits of my soul and pull out every bit of strength I could get my hands on, prayed for more strength, cried an ocean of tears, and yelled and screamed for help from my quit buddies..... but, I do not smoke. When nothing works, you still do not smoke. When you have to, you do this for five minutes at a time. You keep putting one foot in front of the other and you keep taking it one day at a time. Do not give in to the junkie regardless of what happens in your life. The junkie cannot help you. The junkie will kill you.
I say these thin