Tomorrow will be 30 days that I have been smokefree so I thought I would take a moment to reflect on the past 30 days of my life.
This has been quite an emotional 30 days from happy, to sad, to angry, to depressed, to manic, and every other emotion possible. I have learned so much about myself, and sadly about others in my life. I have seen who are truely there for me and those who use the term friends too freely. I have learned better coping mechinisms then I have ever had (smoking was also my best coping mechinism). I realized that smoking was just an addiction not a stress reliever or any other bit of garbage I had once believed. I have seen strengths in myself that I never knew I posessed. I have impressed people who I never thought gave a damn about my quit. I have been told by others, unexpectedly, that they were proud of me. I have friends who are "trying" to quit because of me. They think if I can do it (and make it seem so easy) then they can do it. I INSPIRE OTHER SMOKERS TO QUIT with my strength and positive attitude. I really feel the knowledge I have gained has made my quit better for me. Of course only this group and my husband has seen the hard times I have had. I don't ever let on that it was easy I just seem not to be bothered when they light up (most people I am around smoke). My mother is supposed to quit tonight and so is her boyfriend. My husband is supposed to quit sometime this decade I'm sure. I hope they do but if they don't it doesn't change the fact that I quit and it won't. I have accomplished something some people only speak about. I have quit smoking.
I seem to have woke up this past weekend to a new day. I didn't feel all the pressure as I did 30 days ago. It was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I am now a non-smoker. I just have to maintain that status. I know there will still be hard times but I feel as though I made it through the worst.
I would like to thank you all who helped me on my journey. I could not have done it without this group and the advice and knowledge I received here. Sometimes it seemed this place was all I had, that only people in here understood how I was feeling and that made it hard. There are just so many great people in here who dont realize how they touc