Hi Joyfulspirit
Found some quotes that might help
They are all quotes from you
4/15/2005 3:33 AM
Spent the day with my 1 1/2 yr old niece, just love the fact that I'm not stinking like smoke around her. She's just so beautiful, precious & smart...She's absolutly amazing!!!
4/15/2005 11:31 AM
I promise! I promise! The last thing I want is a stupid cig & feels so good to be able to say that and really mean it, woohoooooooo!!! Not only talkin the talk but walkin the walk! Naaaaaa I don't wanna smoke this weekend or any other weekend for that matter. Soooooooo YES I PROMISE NOT TO SMOKE
6/12/2005 2:42 PM
I have to say I'm really happy I quit smoking and I don't think the nicoderm monster could get me to smoke again for any reason. I'm very happy to be a non-smoker & I believe this is my forever quit!!! WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
6/16/2005 1:47 AM
6/17/2005 3:33 AM
MD those cravings can kiss my A$$! I will not let them get the best of me and I know u won't either We're doing so awesome! I'm very proud of us!!! WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
7/17/2005 2:53 PM
Being a "normy" is the last thing I want to be. The fact that I'm an recovering addict has allowed me to really get to know who I am, what makes me tick and how to grow emotionally. Many so called "normies" don't work on themselves and kinda just exist. I'm not doing a very good job of explaining what I mean LOL but I'm just saying I'm grateful I'm who I am The only way to stay quit is to continue to grow emotionally because if u stay the same person u are then u will smoke again (because that's who that person is (a smoker). Just sumtin I learned in the recovery home I was in when I got sober 9 yrs ago "The same person WILL drink or use again". Nicotine is a drug and we will use it again unless we grow up emotionally. U might be sailing along thinking you've got it licked and then one day someone u love dies or you get in a fight with your best friend or u lose your job etc, then you just say screw it I need a cig,,,all because you didn't take the time to explore your emotions and grow up,,,cry when you need to (don't hold it in), laugh, hit your pillow, whatever it takes just get through those emotional moments (they're only temporary) and then you