I want to thank you all for the support and kind words they made me cry because i blew it, I went back out and bought some I just couldn�t take the torment any longer.
I just wanted to get back to that comfortable feeling and be rid of the anguish, but what I didn�t realise at the time was that I just replacing one anguish with another. I now have the feeling of failure added to all the reasons why I wanted to stop smoking in the first place.
I used to enjoy a drink and a smoke and if I am going to be honest them first few cigs I had felt good, they tasted disgusting but hell you can�t have everything can you, but I know I will be right back to wanting to stop straight away. But now all I feel is regret.
Regret because I could not find the strength to keep this battle up, because this is a battle a very hard one.
Regret that I let my 11 year old son down, he cried when he saw that I was smoking.
Regret that my other children were so obviously disappointed but did not say much because they knew how hard I tried.
My partner said �I knew you wouldn�t be able to do it�, but he was never a very good source of support, he has never smoked and so doesn�t have a clue.
So here I am drinking and smoking, but what do I do next, I am already having to clear my throat and that is only after a few cigs.
I have to decide if I am going to go back to smoking full time or get back on the quit wagon.
At the beginning of this year I wrote down a list of things I wanted to do to improve myself, top of the list was stop smoking that was the most important to me, it still is. My mum died of lung cancer a few years ago and I know that is how I will end up if I can�t stop smoking.. Why does it have to be so hard.
I would never have made it to 48 days without all my invisible friends out there and i thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I know i am rambling rather but i am just trying to sort out what i am going to do. I know i do not want to go back to waking in the morning and the first thought being a cigerette and having to clear my throat all the time and smelling like an old ash tray. I quite liked the new me. So i have decided i will chuck out the cigs and start again.Wish me luck i'm gonna need it.
[B]My Milage:[/B]
[B]My Quit Date: [/