Nothing to reclaim;
Because I have giving up nothing except smoking. The rest of my life is going the same. Or at least that's my plan, and I'm sticking with it, regardless.
Triggers? my foot. The'll just have to change, to go along without Mr Nico.
I know it's too early for me to declare victory;I am only two days in this, after thirty some years of over pack a day.
Well, they were very very tough two days. Neverless, I insisted on carrying on with my life without a single change, except for the smoking cessation that is.
What stopped me from attempting to quit smoking all these years, is the thought that to quit I need to change my whole life, and this is a change from the life I know to an unknown life, was a scary and a big undertaking thing to me.
I am only quitting now, because finally I thought, I do not have to quit my life style, but just quit smoking.
You figure, It could be done. Let's see.