Many people who quit will admit that the reason they never quit before was because of a fear of failure. Why go through withdrawal if it may not work, they wondered? They did not know about the Journey to our Online Quit Program or the wonderful support they could get here.
When some people prepare to quit, they consciously try to cut down. One such person wrote to me that in order to be able to do that, she kept her cigarettes outside. For her, smoking had been automatic, and all other attempts to cut down had failed. She wanted to start developing coping methods before the big day came.
Another person wrote that he put away his pack, only taking out a certain amount for the morning. He did the same for the afternoon and the same for the evening. This allowed him to discover the time of day when his strongest urges hit. Then he would work on dealing with that time of day.
Cutting out a few favorites each day is another way to cut down, such as the ones on the ride home from work, or the first one in the morning. There are other ways of cutting down, and I hope the members will share how they did it.
Hope this helps,
The SSC Support Team