I am devastated watching the rapid decline now of my 94 year old Mom who has Alzheimer�s. The hardest part for her is she KNOWS! From being a concert pianist, a Girl Scout leader, an avid collector of everything under the sun, a person who invented the word multi-task, she is now a victim to the loss of memory, severe anxiety, an inability to handle any detail and frequent repetitive myonic jerking.
On the phone this morning, she (who has seldom complained in her 94 years) lamented that she is doing everything she can, and yet nothing is making her better. She takes all of her vitamins. If she is not too dizzy or jerking, she walks her mile each day in the halls of her retirement home memory support unit. She prays. She plays the piano for others. She makes lists. She does what anyone suggests. Nothing is helping. She was in tears, as she feels and is so POWERLESS. After we got off the phone, I sat and sobbed.
In a very small way, she and I are experiencing the same thing. The loss of POWER. For the past 12 years I have been her trustee and DPOA. I have handled her finances, the investments, her various moves, the sales of home and property and her medical details. I have been able to help. I have been able to fix what was wrong. Now I can do nothing more. Now I have no POWER to make this better.
For her, this loss of control, the loss of her POWER is her life�s last stage. It is her final lesson of life. How precious this POWER is. How we take it for granted. How stupid we are to give this addiction the power over our lives. How blessed we are to have the opportunity and the choice and the POWER to change it.
We are not helpless after having been diagnosed with an incurable disease. We do not sit in rooms, POWERLESS without any ability to make our lives better. We are not helpless to change the course of our future. And still we whine and belly-ache (and I did my share) about how hard this is!
Ya wanna know hard? It is not having a choice! It is not having any POWER! It is not having any control!
Seize your blessed choice today. Thank God or your lucky stars that you still have the POWER and the ability to choose. Take back your power. TAKE BACK YOUR POWER! Embrace every withdrawal symptom as a sign of heali
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