Kaiser and Shevie, thank you so much for your support and to anyone else I may have missed. At 8:00.p.m everynight is another 24 hours smoke free for me, so as of 8:00.p.m. tonight............I did it!!!! I made it through day 3 and now I'm into day 4.........with the Lord's help and all the support here, I did accomplish it. Thank-you!!!!!
BUT WAS IT A GREAT DAY????? she asks. No and double NO! It started out GREAT and then as the day progressed it got harder and harder to cope with the craves. But I think I know why it was so hard for me today and I want to share why, so those who may be struggling with their day 3, might get something out of my post or not.....LOL.
For me personally, I have a LOT of bad things going on in my life right now and I really don't want to tell yous all the bad things but two of them are: my husband's best buddy, friend and the one he talks to almost daily is dying from cancer. He has an inoperable(sp?) brain tumour on the left side of his brain and he was only given 3-6 months to live which is a crock, because only God knows that info. Anyway besides this, someone in my own home is also struggling with a disease. Because of my faith, I try not to let the negatives in my life get me down or dwell on them. I always give thanks for what I have etc etc.... but for some reason today of all days.......I let those negative thoughts back in. I recieved two rotten messages, one through e-mail and one by telephone. Normally, rotten stuff is just swept under the carpet and I deal with it in such a positive way, that it amazes myself. Most things, situations will not bring me into negative thinking but I wasn't always like this. But TODAY, I found it tough with the cravings and then both rotten news, got the best of me. I remember now how quitting smoking is such an emotional ride. I cried so much today and felt self pity and anger and sadness and even lonliness. Then it happened, I prayed, and read the Bible and studied on-line with a site I have joined and I looked up stuff I was having trouble with understanding in concordance etc. THEN I STEPPED UP TO THE PLATE AND SHOOK IT OFF!!! In other words I made a decision to get rid of the negative thoughts, I read positive thoughts from what others had written on-line, I read many many devotio
Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 801
Hours: 21
Minutes: 8
Seconds: 46
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked