Oh My! I would be totally ticked off too! You're right to be upset, however it's no excuse to smoke a stinky deadly lung suffocating nasty tasting cig! U know I'm right :)
Ok it's time to start DEEP BREATHING,,,RIGHT NOW! READY SET GO...DEEP BREATH IN...COME ON DO IT NOW,,,BREATH IN,,,,HOLD IT 1 2 3 4 AND LET IT OUT SLOWLY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 BREATH IN...DEEPER...HOLD IT 1 2 3 4 AND LET IT OUT SLOWLY,,,NOW CLOSE YOUR EYES AND DO IT AGAIN,,,then come back and read the rest of this,,,seriously take 1 min for yourself and close your eyes and breath :)
Now,,,u can't do anything to undo what already happened today with them invading your space. However you can talk to your hubby after you've calmed down and u2 can set up some rules to protect your feelings. Set your boundries. For example "the parents" must call before coming over. As far as renting from them, there are laws to protect renters, like the landlord must give 24hrs notice or something like that. Because they're your parents they'll probably come over for visits anyhow but they need to respect your privacy and space. "Everybody Loves Raymond" is a sitcom not reality although brings up some good points, lol. Anyhow are u still breathing? LOL
Hang in there, don't let your feelings control your actions. And don't let your fears overcome your faith :)
Personally I have to deal with a phone call from my Mom tonight who's over 1000 miles away and she's going to keep me on the phone for at least a couple of hrs. because I asked her for financial help and she said 1st we need to talk. Well that's her way of having some control over me. Although my cats needed to get to the vet since last Thur,,cuz she's 14 and sick and in pain my Mom won't send any money till "we talk",,,meaning till she talks for hours on end. And we can't talk till she's ready and it can't be before 9pm,,,bottom line it's all a control thing and I will be doing alot of deep breathing and counting to 10 while I'm on the phone with her tonight. And why will I do this, b/c I need the money. Whatever!
It's a long story, but bottom line is that no matter how nice/giving/or how many times I call just to say hi to her,,,she will always be the victim. In her eyes, I'm mean and never call unless I need money. Which couldn't be farther from th
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