Thanks so much for saying this because I've thought the same all along. How can a woman who's husband just died not only find a smoking site after hours of research, but then find out how to login with his account and password when he never told her in the letter. And why would she even be thinking about finding SSC at that point.. I also think she would have responded more than once after getting such a response to her message and the post in general. I do love the message of all this which is to not use being young as an excuse for getting away with smoking but it is a little too picture perfect over the top. Hope SCC respects different views on this. Ron
I replied to this thread back in November 2006, and I know I'm going to catch holy heck for saying this, but I really think I was suckered. It was a powerful thread, but I can't help but think it was/is pure fiction. I'm glad for all the good it did at the time, and may yet do again, but I'd take it more seriously if I felt there was even a shred of truth to it. The whole thing is just a little over-the-top Charles Dickens for me. Just my opinion...