My quit is for me and this post,well, for me. You can read it, you can respond if you like. In fact you may or may not get something out of it.That is okay, becuase I need to do it, and I will.
I am 28yrs old have 2 kids.Smoked first cig w/sis when I was 11. Right after my granny dying and aunt moving. I started smoking regulary w/sis.(Whom I thought was too cool, found out later I was wrong.) I watch my grandmother smoke, I also watched her die a slow, painful death. She was sixty, she had been sick for 20yrs.My grams started smoking when she was 13, ironicly so did I.
Even with her death my mother never said much to me about not smoking. I guess she assumed I knew better. Cigs were a gateway for other drugs. By the time I found out sis was wrong, I was hooked.In my younger days I enjoyed running track. I also sang in show choir and community theater. I was quite good. Had a few modleling contracts. I became a heavy smoker by 16. Shortly after I was being pushed out of all my activies. Of coarse the junkie said their lose, they don't know what they are doing. Truth was I had changed. My attitde, my appearance, and my voice.
Well that and more just made me more dependent on my comfort in a box. Only they were not enough. I had also become dependent on a few other substance. Met hubby in college. We hit it off because we both partied hard, and smoked like chemney. After 1yr of marrige I became pregant. I did not want to quit. The doctor said I could do serious harm to child if I smoked in the 1st+2nd trimester. Did not want to do that so I quit. Until work got stressful at about 7+1/2months. So I smoked 1 a day. It was hard because I wanted more. I smoked the bare min of what my junkie wanted. The junkie convinced me it was ok,because of what dr had said. As soon as babe was born I was smoking. In fact my hubbt wheeled me to the area. Yes I got some looks that day. Could not walk, just had a babe, BUT I WAS SMOKING.
Two years later God came into our lives. We knew it was time to change. So we did. We didnot quit smoking then, we thought we would go nuts. I became pregnant again. This time I wanted to quit, I just could not do it. I would go 3days, have a bad day. Come home and hubby would be there w/a cig. Doctors said just quit, you ju