Hi all,
As you all know, I'm just a few hours from finishing "heck week", but to be honest with you, my 'heck' started in 'hell week'. LOL. I can truly attest to and scream JOY about that. On my first attempt to quit back in Dec. 05, I said I was doing it for me....but I didnt really mean it from the heart. I was only doing it to really please others and make a point. :( WRONG WAY TO GO!!!
I went through 'hell' and 'heck' the first go around as well, however since my heart wasn't in it....I quickly gave in the moment I was surrounded by my friends and family who did smoke. Everyday of my quit I kept saying, "Why do I feel so pressured to do this? Why am I even continuing to do this since it makes me feel depressed?" I was forcing the quit on myself and feeling guilty because I knew I needed to quit, I just didnt know how to accept quitting. I knew the more I felt like I HAD to quit, the more I depressed I felt and it was a power struggle. I began to resent myself for quitting and I resented watching others' smoke. I thought I was missing out on something>>>>Yeah, its called DEATH! I shouldve been grateful!!!
But I digress. My point is that now that Ive returned for the 2nd and very last time, my quit has been much more successful psychologically, emotionally, and physically. I really mean that. And in my own opinion, I feel that the way you go into your 'quit' has a major impact as to how well you succeed. I know this cannot be said of every one who stops smoking, but please....take it into account. Use my personal experience as your guide to a better thinking system.
1. First, make sure this is what YOU want to achieve! Won't last long if you're doing it for Mom, Dad, Boyfriend/Girlfriend, Lover or Husband! If you dont do it for you....who will? NO ONE!!
2. Once that's established, begin to set an appropriate date as to when you want to quit. This IS important. As how you're already weak in the beginning and prone to the 'triggers', it's best to set a date that you can achieve, if you wait to long, what resolve you DO have could end up lost!
3. When you finally do quit, be prepared to realize that your body is going to crave and become demanding at times for the nicotine that it has for so long endured. However, this doesn't mean it