As I sit here in my office this afternoon looking through posts, I am inspired. I read posts like Brent popping in and sharing a story with us about how great the quit is and Luna telling us of the power to change our lives. I can�t help but think of a question that one of the members here asked me last night. She said �Lady, how do you find time to help so many quitters, without question�. My response was, it only takes a minute to help someone. The thing that helped me the most in my quit was all of the people here that took the time to care. People have shared my quit with me, and my faith has now been restored in the fact that there are still �good� people in this world. A lot of them are right here at the SSC.
I remember the first few weeks of my quit. The cravings were awful and I really thought I was going to lose my sanity. Then I moved to the next stage, the depression. Oh my! What a nightmare! When I had to face �me� and come to terms with who I was and what I had done to myself. I had to deal with the realization that something had controlled me for most of my life and I was too blind to even notice it. I think I cried from day 30 to day 180. Something changed right around that 6 month mark and I began to see the new �me�. I began to like �me�, my confidence began to grow, and I began to see my life heading in an all new direction.
Now, here I sit 300 days quit. I am amazed! I never thought I would be here. I now know that I don�t ever �HAVE� to smoke again as long as I live. I am about to graduate from College with honors, a milestone I�ve accomplished without omitting my responsibilities to my children or my job. I also completed this last year of school without smoking one cigarette!
300 days ago I wanted this quit. I didn�t think I could do it but I wanted it. To me, this is like a dream come true. I am happy about the new direction of my life, I am happy about who I am, and I am actually proud of myself for what I have accomplished. I have a whole new life and it is exciting.
If quitting smoking is your dream, you can make it come true too. Quitting will change your world in ways you never thought possible. Just take what little bit of courage you may have, and build on it. One day at a time, one st