Dear Friends,
I haven�t been on site for about a week. My daughter had her 4 impacted wisdom teeth removed Tuesday and I�ve been Nurse Mom this week. There were several obligations to be taken care of last weekend, and I�ve been painting my kitchen (what a mess). Computer time has been minimal. For over a year now I�ve learned and given advice at the SSC. This is THE place for people who desperately want to quit smoking. It is a site with tremendous joy, some sorrow, frequent mistakes, and great humility. The SSC is worldwide. We, the members and the moderators, are for the most part caring individuals who seek help in the beginning and then dispense help to others when we�ve finally won over this terrible addiction.
Today, I gave myself a painting break and got online. Several of the posts mentioned some sort of altercation that occurred this past weekend. For those of you who are new, do not worry about it. For those of us who have been here for awhile � well, been there, done that, bought the T-shirt. Who has ever been in a community of family or friends or co-workers or an online group and not seen any disagreement? It�s going to happen. Doesn�t mean we can�t overcome the problems and get back to doing what we�re here to do.
If you�re having anger problems, go read [url= ]this.[/url] It�s a thread I wrote a year ago on managing anger and whining. If you�ve forgotten what you�ve overcome and why you�re here to begin with, read [url= ]this.[/url] It�s a great post by Luna about learning to quit. If you�re new and need inspiration, use the search engine to find posts by members who inspire you.
I have been here long enough to watch Duffis, Shevie, Luna, Ladybugg, 3galeh, Rusty, Penitent, Lady, Golferman, and so many others give and give and give some more. I�m proud to be a part of this wonderful group of members at the SSC � a group of winners. Do we sometimes have problems? Sure. Compare the good times to the bad. Good wins hands down! We�re doing fine. How boring life would be if we were all perfect. Okay, some of you may be perfect. For those of us who aren�t, we�l
Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 5848
Hours: 1
Minutes: 33
Seconds: 48
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked