I spoke of this before in another thread, but I had to find other reasons to quit that didn't involve my health. I was told that because i am diabetic I need to quit, and my dad quit when he was 40 and still died young of diabetes. A gentleman that was father-like to me was a very light smoker, quit in his 30's, and died of LUNG CANCER when he was 72. Allen Carr was recently diagnosed.
Here's the thing about statistics... If 10 people die this week of lung cancer, and 9 of them were smokers, then 90% of all people who die of lung cancer were smokers.
But what they don't factor in is the fact that those smokers had poor diets because they fed on nicotine instead, which caused their liver to release sugar into their blood streem - so they didn't eat regularily or well. They had poor coping skills, assertive skills, stress management skills, and they likely smoked to keep other people at a distance - meening that they never really got to experience love like a normal healthy person experiences love. They were adicts so they weren't happy like normal healthy people are happy, and they probably didn't laugh like normal healthy people laugh (I've had laughter come out of me over the last week that i've never experienced before in my life), and quite possibly thy became smokers to fill a void within thmselves because for whatever reason - they don't love themselves.
So, there are so many risk factors involved here, that there is absolutely no way of knowing if it was the cigarettes that gave them cancer, or if it was the unhealthy lifestyle, and the inability to love that focused the negativity in their chest, and the lack of good excercise that never worked their lungs, or if it was self discipline or loathing that made them feel empty and sad.
Point is - most of the time there's a reason that we smoke that is emotional, and most of the time we don't eat proper food in proper portions, nand work out daily and then go light up... we don't care for our bodies. All of those things cause cancer. My dad quit smoking and still hid candy bars under the seat of his van. My freind quit smoking but was a control freek that carried all of his tension in his chest.
We've taken the first step in healing all of that, but there is more work to do. Mi