alright - how can I feel bad with y'all around - sheesh! ;)
It�s probably a good thing. This is really the first time in my life I�ve dated around � it�s just a bit tiring. It�ll be good in the long run, I suppose. I�ve spent some time alone � I�m pretty good at it - solitude is a welcome respite at times. I just want to be a happy old dude walking the beach with my wife of 50 years someday, ya know.
windy - you're very kind - thanks for your perspective.
gonnadoit - see ya in vegas, mama!
Lady - I skipped the ice cream and stopped in for a Hefeweizen in honor of the 6-12club. Unfortunately, I came home about half hour later stinking like an ashtray - shoulda gone with the ice cream instead, now I have to do laundry again...
AlleyAnn - yeah, the grass is always greener, eh? Thank you very kindly for your thoughts.
Marie - those vibes tickled a wee bit - thanks, I appreciate it - now back to the conga line witcha...
Sillyyou indeed - just tell me where and when ;p... good luck with your sitch.
Pam - thanks for the pep talk, you're right, I do deserve the best. Thing is, she was purdy close. Your sentiments are quite sweet, thank you very much. Best to you too.
4my2girls - thank you, my spirits are lifted greatly from all of you kind souls. I won't give up on the counselor - hope he doesn't give up on me. You are very right and I'm trying to follow that line of thinking and I am doing a lot for myself. I will hang in there - thanks.
Mr Ed - hey, my four legged friend. My sense of humor may have to carry me since my culinary skills are much better in the virtual world than reality. Giddyup.
Islandgirl � don�t tempt me � are there waves, to go along with your single friends, on St. Simon? Truly though, you�re right � I need to refocus on everything that is right in front of me � primarily 26.2 miles of asphalt.
Well, as my friend Fuller would say, thank you all for the world class nipple twisting (he sometimes refers to flattery as nipple twisting - probably more of a guy thing - he's a funny dude, trust me).
Sincerely though - I do appreciate you all. I really feel welcome and it truly is uplifting and helpful. Thank you all and...
keep fightin' the good fight - fish :)
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