Daytime Mommy,
You hang in there can do this!
you sound like me a few decades ago. I was a young mother, no money, and "Smoking was not an option"..I had to quit.
The same exact anger you are feeling toward yourself for being so weak is exactly how I felt...
I'd look in the mirror, "What's wrong with you Stupid? You've got little babies in you want them to starve? Nobody twisted your arm to chose it. Those babies didn't ask to come into the world either...they were your pleasure."! get your butt outside and take a real good deep breath of fresh air, close your eyes and think of those sweet little babies.
Daytime Mommy this is your chance to shine like a Silver Dollar!
Be proud of yourself for taking this step,'s hard, but just keep thinking if I wait 5 minutes...the crave will pass.
Leave the room, give one of your kids a hug instead of thinking about taking a drag, drink some water, eat a candy cane, but don't smoke.
the craves will get farther and farther apart. The withdrawal will only be its worst for about 3 have to work on changing the activity of a trigger.
For example: Let say you smoke while your on the phone, replace the cig with a short straw to chew least for awhile until you notice you are not experiencing the hunger pangs of the crave.
Make sure, there are no ashtrays, or lighters to remind you to smoke.
Write a note that is Big enough to jump out at you at some place in your home where you do most of your smoking "N.O.P.E."
look at when you pass that area and think about your children and your situation.
Think how much better your going to feel about yourself in just a few short stay smoke free will be one day closer to being habit free.
There is maybe an option too. I know you said you can't afford an NRT, but if your husband has medical insurance on you possibly might be covered for this Chantix and it wouldn't hurt to ask. Or it might pay you in the long run to use a credit card to pay for it. Chantix will almost eliminate the craving.
good luck hon...keep us posted how you are doing..auntdeb
[B]My Milage:[/B]
[B]My Quit Date: [/B] 1/1/2007
[B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 18
[B]Cigarettes Not Smo