I'm back and ready to fight nic. I've had to do a lot of soul searching and find out why I wanted this quit so bad. Thanks parrotlady and Kaitilina for not deserting me these past two days of my life in hell. Too many others here to thank (like lady, shevie, rusty, luna, and oh so many more - please forgive me for not mentioning you) for the support in my quit. I hated to disappoint any of you (especially the ones I am close too) but I also know I must do this for ME and not for my kids, my family (oh considering not one was supportive of me cause they all smoked and hated it when I didnt - including my own husband), or anyone else, just ME.
This journey definitely wasn't easy for me and I had to work hard to reach where I did. But I fell and I am now picking myself up and not giving up on ME. I need to get my life back and my perspective on why I started this journey in the first place June 7th. Two days ago, I couldn't even tell you why I would even think about quitting. I also didn't want reminding so yes, I could've came here and posted, called etc. I did try calling a few, nope, no one answered as they have their own lives. So as you will see, this wasn't a slip, it was a choice. I had made this choice. No one put that pack in my purse, no one lit it for me, and no one forced me. But I do want my life back BEFORE its too late. Golferman, thanks for the thread "hitting rock bottom". Guess Ive hit rock bottom and need help getting back up.