[b]What do I do when I want to smoke?[/b]
Before you quit (or after, if you�ve already quit), you should make a list of things that will work for you to keep you from smoking. Such things could be gum, hard candy, ice water, silly putty, licorice, a straw cut to the length of a cigarette, lollipops, etc� Also, make a list of things you will [u]do[/u] when you want to smoke, such as take a walk, take a bubble bath, watch a movie, etc� Knowing what works best for you and having a plan in place for when the cravings hit is a great method for dealing with the cravings.
[b]Are there some people who just can�t quit?[/b]
No, but if you�re thinking that you�re one of them, understand that you are most definitely [b]NOT[/b] alone! I, too, thought that I was someone who could not quit. It took me many tries, but I finally convinced myself that I could. And trust me, if I can do it, ANYBODY can. All you need is a heartbeat and the desire and determination to quit. The last two you can work on and build� if you don�t have the first one, then don�t bother! ;p
[b]Which type of method is best? Cold Turkey or NRT?[/b]
This is different for every single person and only you know you well enough to make this decision. When deciding on a quit method, you should first ask yourself the following questions.
1. Taking into account the money that I will be saving by not smoking, am I financially able to afford NRTs or other aids? If so, how much money can I afford to spend and for how long?
- Figuring this out first can help you plan out your money situation so you can continue to use the method you choose for as long as recommended.
2. Does my state offer any programs to give free NRTs to people who wish to quit smoking? If so, am I eligible?
- If you�re in the United States, you might be able to get NRTs (usually patches) for free. Many states offer these programs in addition to counseling and/or group support. This money comes from the settlement with the tobacco companies and more and more states are offering these types of programs. If you�re interested in using an NRT, it might be worth your while to check into this before you quit.
3. What is my tolerance for withdrawal symptoms? Am I the type of person who would be likely to give in if I had really