I really don't know, I wasn't really inspired to start the quit process, it was a "drip feed" of a whole load of things:
Some vague chest pains a few months previous (which turned out to be heartburn, but started me thinking)
A slight shortage of cash at the time and no opportunity to cross the channel for cheaper Belgian or French cigs (where I used to get most of my smokes)
Finding out about Zyban, which seemed to offer the "Holy Grail" - the chance to cut down before quitting, something that is normally almost impossible to do.
That it was becoming increasingly anti-social, that it wouldn't be too long before it would be impossible to smoke in any Pub or Restaurant, I didn't want to be that last smoker still standing outside in the cold and the rain.
A general feeling that it was "time" - that I had played Russian Roulette with my life for long enough (over 35 years as a regular smoker)
[b]But the funny thing was that I didn't really expect to succeed, in my heart of hearts I was playing at it![/b] :gasp:
On day two it became apparent that not only could I quit, I was actually doing it! I started looking for some more help and stumbled in here.
[b]Joining SSC was when I really became inspired.[/b]
There were the "old timers" in particular there was Lizzie, Rachel, Penitent and DarkMeyer from the UK, there was Katy, AValleyMom, luna (small L) and Bubba from the US.
The support staff - in particular I must single out Josie, it seemed she always believed in me, right from the beginning.
There were those just up ahead of me on the road, Bond Chaser (from Australia if I remember rightly) and the wonderful Scottish/Neapolitan (now a French resident!) Lolly - who I met up with in Rome.
Then there was that quixotic little group of people around me, you know, the ones that were all daft enough to think that a quit date just before Christmas was a great idea, (and then were stubborn enough to make it stick) the "Class of Mid-December '04"
In particular I must mention my friend Rusty and Hope, but there were several others who I know all made it to at least a year (Princess Caffeine is currently posting for help for her husband to quit)
[i]By the way, for anyone just quitting now or just about to quit - a good quit never starts a
Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 741
Hours: 16
Minutes: 1
Seconds: 53
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked