Good evening all,
Welcome Redytoquit, you have purchased a ticket to a wonderful cruise ship. Oh you ask the price, well that is simple it cost you a smoke free life from here on out. Not easy, but well worth it.
Rainie, Mom Mom and everyone thanks for your thoughts and prayers regarding my family friend. The funeral was today, not easy, but smoke free. When you think of the days ahead for his wife of 53 years, his children, and grandchildren, it really puts into perspective what we have to face. Nothing compared to that kind of lose. It just made me think again about how you should appreciate where you are in life.
Raine if you talk to Pat, tell her we are thinking of her.
Capt. sorry about the weather. Next time come to hotlanta. The courses seemed to be packed today.
Freemom, if we are ever logged on at the same time, please IM me. I am an educator and a consultant in Sp Ed. If you need to vent or want support, I am here. I have 20 years experience.
KY you are doing a great job in the kitchen. Thanks for making something for all of us that are gaining weight rapidly.
Faith, I agree. The 40s are the new 20s, so the 50s are the new 30s. So how does it feel to be 35. :)
Nurse, sorry to keep you so busy during your first week. Hopefully everyone will be better soon. After all we are smoke free and much healther now.
Now Julie walks off very tired to her cabin. It has been a stressful week, but smoke free.
She is singing...........
"Sun is shining in the sky, There ain't a cloud in sight
It's stopped rainin' Everybody's in a play
And don't you know, It's a beautiful new day.
Runnin' down the avenue See how the street shines brightly
In the city on the streets Where once was pity,
Mr. Blue Sky is living here today.
chorus: Mr. Blue sky, please tell us why, You had to hide away
For so long where did we go wrong.
Hey there Mr. Blue, We're so pleased to be with you
Look around see what you do, Everybody smiles at you
Hey you with the pretty face Welcome to the human race
A celebration Mr. Blue Sky's Up there waitin'
and today Is the day we've waited for
chorus: Mr. Blue sky, please tell us why, You had to hide away
For so long where did we go wrong.
Mr. Blue you did it r