Hello Audrey, I would recommend you getting a handful of Black Licorice, Got to be BLACK, And go for long walks Audrey, I carry a small milk shake straw with me for a passifier, but that is opitional, You got to use what works for You, Maybe You can take up roller-skateing at the local rink, and get addicted to it for You will not think of the cig's, Replace one addiction with another, works every time, Remember to get the Eye of the Tiger, and don't give in, I place my hand on a bible, it can be done, Been there, Done that, Smokless in Oklahoma :)
Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 808
Hours: 6
Minutes: 13
Seconds: 52
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
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Cigarettes Not Smoked