Welcome aboard CallMeMomMom, whooppppppppiiiiieeeeeee, our very own �copter pilot!!!
Congratulations on getting through your first 72 hours�before you know it hell week and heck week will be distant memories�let us know if there�s anything we can do to help�we�re all in this ship together. Oh, you�re a music lover too�you�re gonna fit right in�haven�t heard a good tune from Journey in a long time, thanks for that one. Oh, how much are you loving your bass boat?
Now, MomMom can you please, please take me to Daytona Speedway this morning??? We can hook up with Rainie and watch all those cars driving fast and turning left! So I take it you�re a 24 fan? Yippee, I�m partial to 43 (it�s in the eyes people, those twinkley ole eyes) myself, but I do like the 24 plus a whole lot more�see old post for extensive list in no particular order.
Freemom, sorry to hear your trip has been postponed and I hope all your family members feel better and recover from the stress of surgery soon. Maybe it is a good thing your trip is delayed, as this will give you time to get your exercises done so you�ll look absolutely stunning in your new string bikini! Plus, Rainie reported that there�s yucky CHAINSMOKERS who live in Florida!!! Must beware of all chain smokers in public places until you give up this silly notion that you�re not strong enough to be around them. Puuulllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssseeeeeee, you�re willing to host a birthday party for 12-15, 8 & 9 yr old girls�oh gutsy move, you go girl� so I have no doubt you can easily manage a knuckle sandwich for any ole nico demon that even dares to step in your way!!! You want Rainie and I should come with you and hold your ole demon down so you can give him what for? By the way, thanks for all the rocking music this weekend�you know how I loves the beat.
Faith!!! You�re really picking up the slack for Rainie and I this weekend you chocolate pie passer outer and Pinot grigio pourer. Sorry I didn�t check in last night but I was exhausted after Pat�s BIG, BIG, BIG, excellent adventure on the beach (yes, just practicing but it�s oh so much fun) and in the malls and restaurants with just me, myself and I!!! It started clouding over at the beach�sigh�, so decided to TREAT myself AGAIN and this time I may hav
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Days: 853
Hours: 14
Minutes: 25
Seconds: 50
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