I mean, "YEE HAW!!!"
Yes, I'm still in Texas -- head home to the northwest on Saturday morning. I'm more than ready to head home.
I've seen three doctors since I arrived last Wednesday. The first for an antibiotic for a sinus infection that just won't go away, but the second and third were much more serious. I had an episode where I suddenly saw a field of tiny black dots in my left eye, and very little else. (shadows only -- scary!) That was on Sunday and my vision isn't completely restored yet.
Turns out I had two tears in my retina and was bleeding profusely. The surgeon conducted a very painful freezing (so cold it burned) technique to seal the tears. (It feels like someone used my poor eye ball for a soccer ball!) I have to see a retinal specialist on Monday to make sure the retina hasn't detached. They couldn't be certain because of all the bleeding.
Oh, well, boo hoo, huh? It has also rained a good deal. I did get to golf once last week, but now have been instructed to protect my vulnerable eyeballs, so no golf for now!
The good news? There always is on the Magic Ship, right? NO SMOKING for me and very few thoughts of it, although during the eye issues, I had many thoughts. But, that would be pretty stupid at this point, now, wouldn't it?
My sister and niece threw a huge party for me to congratulate me as a nonsmoker -- balloons, a most wonderful and delicious chocolate cake and a bottle of wine all for me! They do know their Faith! I was truly touched, as everyone here are staunch non and never smokers.
I finally got a chance to get online and check the Magic Ship -- I've missed you all so! Sounds like a lot has been happening on board.
FREEMOM: I was SO thrilled to see you back. Now you MUST hang in there. Don't just lurk now -- stay with us so we can help. You CAN do this! Welcome back on board -- we've missed you terribly!
MOMMOM: Don't make me worry about you -- you're my rock, remember? How can I help? I need my most favorite Vegas buddy! Stay with me.
LADY: I didn't get a chance yet to read your other thread, but you clearly posted that you're having a tough time. I'm so happy that you joined us on board. It's like Disneyland -- the "happi