Josie, thank you for starting the new Magic Ship thread.
Captain, it's good to see you at the helm and I must say I can only agree with you that this thread needs to continue so that it can continue to be a place to quit smoking for people who want to have fun and be positive. I know I have made some really good friends here and my quit has been very smooth because of you all.
Unfortunately time does not permit me to post as often as I am now back at work and my life has moved forward with extra responsibilities. Like you, (and I also believe Rainie), I am quit, I have QUIT, I will never smoke again!!! No doubt. I don't crave, I don't urge, and if I think of smoking at is just that...a thought because smoking is not an option for me ever again. I would not let my quit buddies or myself down that way. N.O.P.E. ~ N.I.D.S.
I feel very forutunate to have found such great shipmates so early in my quit to help me through and I want to thank all of you for being here for know who you are...please keep in touch. I know that the newer members of the crew will stick together, keep supporting and encouraging each other and will be here for each other when the "older quitters" are away.
Now, should any new people want to join in the Magic Ship, I am going to copy the original intent that Mr.Magic~the Captain, Rainie~our Serving Wench, and Ladycigevictor~First Mate had in mind for the Magic Ship. I hope you'll try to keep the party to the Land of Quit alive for us. Faith, JT, MomMom and all the rest of the crew...I will be back as soon as possible.
Yes, at first read the Magic Ship may seem like a silly boat floating amilessly at sea, but trust me there really are magic methods on our party ship. Here are some of the important things that have really helped us quit.
-Positive attitudes, (Rainie preaches this to us all the time...thanks sista) yes it's important to all of us that we stay positive and if we're having a bad day we reach out for a shipmate to show us our glass is half-full and it always has our favorite drink inside.
-Everyone has a job to do (the Captain, Mr.Magic will not allow slackers on board...but oh how well he likes to reward his crew), it doesn't matter what your jo
Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 847
Hours: 4
Minutes: 6
Seconds: 57
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked