Wow! Back in port getting a retro-fit on one of the engines and catching up on a lot of things that have gone to seed. We have not been able to send out any messages or even post to the site, however having said that, we can from time to time get on site and read.
Our new car.
Running around the world half naked most of the time and feeling so very free, life has been good to us during our mad, mad retirement. Pete can land the dam thing, actually better than me, so we now have split our responsibilities and that makes life so dam good. The freedom of not having to have a smoke, not having to be anywhere, the freedom of just enjoying life to the max really doing nothing is what it is all about.
I have seen a lot of posts regarding man vs woman and that men can't remember a dam thing when they want to is really funny. All men are born with selective hearing as god intended it that way (rotflmao) so ladies just adjust to it and get on with your OWN life. If a husband and wife are going to quit smoking together they have to have a separation of church and state. Your quit is your quit and there is nothing that can interfere with it. If one fails there is no reason for the other to fail. Get together before the quit starts and develop a MUTUAL game plan. Understand that quitting is so very different to every person on the face of the earth. The next paragraph will start a war or less mild, a heated discussion, please stay on track and think it through.
MEN HAVE IT EASIER WHEN IT COMES TO QUTTING THE NICOTINE ADDICTION THAN WOMEN DO!!! Phew, having said that, I know that I will catch hell from all sides and that is ok for me. Pete went though 5 quits and I bled every time she relapsed. I never said a word to her about failing. I never said a word to her about how to succeed in quitting. Unfortunately women have a lot of physical problems that interfere with nicotine withdrawal. Depression is the main issue and then hormonal issues inter the picture and then there is the challenge or raising children, and if no children, then the challenges of managing a home and budget.
Life is not easy these days and I thank God daily that I can leave any time and
Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 6850
Hours: 23
Minutes: 12
Seconds: 29
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked