Thank you for your continued support. I guess where the meter thing is coming from is that, if I decide not to reset, I'm pretty sure that somebody can and will dig up some quote of me saying that resetting my meter before is what kept me quit for 21 months and that before I reset, I was prone to doing it again, but after I reset, I didn't smoke because of the meter. Yes, those posts of mine DO exist. So am I a hypocrite for not resetting? I don't think so. Again, I think it's a moot point. When people in real life ask me how long I've been quit, I say (and have ALWAYS said, despite what my meter read at the time) that I've been quit for over 2 years now. I still feel that way.
Was that puff stupid? No question. Has it damaged my resolve? Yes, so some extent. But am I letting it ruin my quit? Absolutely not! If I were to reset at this point, I would feel that it meant that I was admitting defeat. I haven't failed - I haven't been defeated. Is it a slap in the face to those who haven't smoked at all or who reset back to zero? Yes, and I understand that. That's why I AM taking this seriously. If I smoke again, yes, I will reset, although to be perfectly honest, if I smoke again, I'll go back to smoking for a while and quit again later. I don't think I could go through all of that right now. But so far, that hasn't happened. I'll deal with that situation if/when it arises, but until then, I think I'm going to leave the meter where it is. For the record, that's 787 days, with 4 slips (but who's counting! :) ). Thanks again Lady for your continued support. You're a good friend.
Crave the Quit!