This is good to see people chiming in... we are all mushy!
Kaiser, thank you. You were very strong to come back and are a great, supportive member to all. Big hug.
Rock... what a great visual. Yes, it is a village and we all assist each other to grow into our new, rich, full lives. I think we have all touched each other's lives in lots of different ways. I see the posts from many long time quitters still popping in the check on their old quitting buddies. We are all connected.
Karen, Karren, Kelly, Rock, Kaiser, Mr Ed and every member here.. a big mushy kiss.... MMMWAH!
My Milage:
My Quit Date: 4/1/2008 Smoke-Free Days: 267 Cigarettes Not Smoked: 6,408 Amount Saved: $1,537.92 Life Gained: Days: 32 Hrs: 15 Mins: 6 Seconds: 31
Aside from the great and caring people here is the fact that the members and mods are nonjudgemental. people like yourself HP who where the first to welcome me back after my slip. I now have 147 days under my belt and it is because of the help and understanding found on this site. Keep up the good work, knowing that you are saving lives. Merry Christmas.
My Milage:
My Quit Date: 7/30/2008 Smoke-Free Days: 147 Cigarettes Not Smoked: 3,675 Amount Saved: $183.75 Life Gained: Days: 28 Hrs: 18 Mins: 50 Seconds: 49
Awww! You are all champions and deserve an applause for persevering and working so hard in your quit! Your valued contributions to the forums have reached out to so many who needed your wisdom and support...Thank you.
Best wishes for a smoke-free new year....reward yourselves generously this holiday season!
Couldn't say it any better HP. I am staying a quitter forever so I never have to leave the SSC. Thank you all so very much for helping me and being my friend.
My Milage:
My Quit Date: 12/6/2007 Smoke-Free Days: 383 Cigarettes Not Smoked: 11,490 Amount Saved: $1,436.25 Life Gained: Days: 31 Hrs: 5 Mins: 6 Seconds: 28