I have made a decision (right or wrong) that I think will be better for me. Instead of trying to quit cold turkey, I am going to ween myself off cigarettes. I'm allowing myself one smoke per day to be used at whatever time my body decides its "smoke it or kill someone". I guess I just don't have the willpower to stop completely 100% without being a total wreck and I know this is just a way to delay my quit but I think I'm ok with that.
I know this is dissapointing...it sure is to me, but I think this is a good way for me to do this right and to stick with it when I finally do put them down for good. I hope that after a few days of only allowing myself one (maybe there will be a day when I don't need even that one) I will be able to leave them behind forever.
I am still here, still determined, just not ready to become a major BI--H in the process.
Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 0 Hours: 0
Minutes: 0 Seconds: 0
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked
· Practice your deep breathing. Deep breathing improves circulation and eases muscle tension.
· Check your e-mail. Subscribe to a messaging service that will send you daily jokes or inspirational quotes. A few funny or inspiring words can help lift your spirit and gain perspective
· Turn on your radio - Classical music has been shown to induce relaxation. Have it on in the background or tune in online. Many radio stations now have live feeds via the internet.
· Stretch! Take a few minutes in between long tasks to take a stretch break. It can help increase alertness, improve blood flow and relieve tension.
· Day dream. Give yourself five minutes and imagine yourself in a place far, far away from your desk. You can also use this time to remind yourself why your working so hard. Ex: Think of your family, an item your saving for such as a house or car, a promotion.
· Make the most of your lunch hour! EAP just isn’t what it used to be. Many workplaces now offer exercise classes during lunch or after work. If your place of employment doesn’t offer these types of classes, check out the neighborhood. Chances are there are classes around your workplace or you can take it into your own hands. Go out for coffee & a walk before, during or after work.
· Mini massages: Got carpal tunnel? Typing & writing can wear on your hands; try giving yourself a little massage to relieve the tension.
· Redo your cubicle: Bring things from home like pictures, plants, a stress ball, a sudoku book. Turn your space into a place you like spending time in.