An interesting article was found on msnbc news today. The article discussed money and happiness. Clearly money cannot buy happiness and often spending will only lead to temporary joy and possibly even further depression if you feel guilt about your purchases. The article did however give tips on how to spend your money to get the most bang for your buck, in terms of happiness. So if you are thinking of spending some money on a reward or using the money you saved on cigarettes here are some tips:
Buy a vacation instead of a spa treatment: Although the price is more; researchers say that the effect on short term and long term sense of wellbeing is far greater than any amount of spa treatments. Getting away from your normal routine and environment has positive effects. The change in perspective you may gain could change the way you view the world forever and leave a lasting effect.
Buy makeup instead of clothes: It is true looking good makes you feel good. But you do not have to get a whole new wardrobe sometimes a new tube of lipstick will do the trick. Plus, you can use the lipstick everyday while an outfit you cannot enjoy as often.
Upgrade your bedroom instead of your living room: You can’t put a price tag on a good night’s sleep. Sleeping well greatly affects your mood and overall wellbeing. You may want to impress your guests with a nice new couch but in the long run that new mattress or sheets will have a more positive effect on your mood.
Get a gym membership instead of equipment for your home: Working out with friends adds to the motivation and social aspect of working out. If you find working out more fun you will be more likely to commit and feel it is worthwhile.
Buy a gift for your friend instead of yourself: Being generous always boosts the mood. Think about that magazine and fruit smoothie you bought; wouldn’t it have been so much sweeter if that money was spent on a surprise for a friend or family member? Not to mention charities; you can get a warm glow from knowing you are helping those in need
Members, how will you be spending your saved money? Do you agree with this article?
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Ashley, Health Educator