Hey Rose!!!
First of all, Congrats on your 37 smoke-free days!!! What a great "Achievement"!!! So, what's next, you ask... We'll I'm here to tell you! You see, back in the day, everyone here was really into our stats! Yes, it is very motivating to set goals and reach them. That's why stats ARE so important! What is also important and motivating is having all of your fellow quit buddies notice your stats, recognize you and your achievement and join in the celebration!!! That was such a big part of the support culture back when I joined the SSC. It had gone so far as to motivate one member (the infamous Mr. Ed) to develop a software program at home to calculate everyone's statistics and he would post them EVERY DAY! It was something that kept people coming back day after day, to keep up with their quit buddies' achievements to be able to post a word of congratulations!!!
Mr. Ed's daily reporting categories were the number weeks quit people were on that day, the number of months, the number of days times 10 since their quit date (up to a year) and the number of days times 100 someone was quit! Additionally, in his daily report were those who had 50 days quit, which we called making it to the "Cruise Ship" and those who "cruised" on through and made it 100 days and reached "The Beach"!!! Hence, your next achievement in 62 days will be your 100 day celebration, which the SSC now signifies as a cruise ship, I memory serves me correctly. I don't know why the 50 day mark was eliminated. Maybe Ashley can remember and enlighten us?
So, in the past it was very easy to keep up with everyone's stats and there were posts galore daily with people announcing and celebrating every achievement, especially early on in people's quits! How could you not stay quit with the celebrations that were going on??? Ahhhhh.... the memories!
Anyways, I would like you and all of the recent members to think about this, check out your buddies' stats when they post and try to bring back the traditions of years gone by! It really does help and motivate us to stay on the straight and narrow! You may notice that there are often posts by us ancient members recognizing our buddies months and years of smobriety! It's a tradition that I hope will return one day!
Well, that's all I can tell you about the achievements that we have now. I celebrated weekly, monthly and after the first 100 days, every 100 days! Heck, every day smoke free is a reason to celebrate your freedom as far as I'm concerned! What do you think????? WOO HOOO for ALL of you!!!