Thank you to both. I am doing much better now. I am going to have a nice hot bubble bath and relax. This craving really stressed me out today, so I think some pampering is due here.
I will be strong and I will not cave into these cravings. I know now after what I went through today that I can do this.
Another thing to consider is that each time you resist a powerful crave like this, you get stronger and the crave gets weaker. Something like this is literally an opportunity to reduce or extinguish that reaction, so it will be less intense or nonexistent the next time you experience the same triggers.
In other words, hang in there. It will get better.
First of all congratulations on getting through the difficult craving. Intense cravings can occur throughout the first few months of your quit. Some people even experience intense cravings after many months of being quit. Keep your guard up at all times and know that with more time it will get better.
I had the worst craving to day since I have quit smoking. All's I wanted to do was cry, scream and throw things. What I was wondering is I am in week 2, isn't it suppose to get easier not harder.
I do also have a lot on my plate right now, hubby is leaving in a few days to start a new job, and I will be staying behind for a few months to pack the house and get ready to move. He will be at the other end getting things set up there.