Hi Jim - you are doing so well handling this transition in your life. Wow! Good for you bud! Amazing how these triggers come about even after many moons of abstinence have passed. But when we are aware - we are forearmed! And doing just fine, I might add :)
Ain't it the truth, Workin! Even though you get a few years into your forever quit, situations arise and by golly another trigger slaps you right in the face! Then what comes to mind... NOPE! I've been experiencing some hellacious triggers as my career here at the university winds down and like I said in a previous post, trying to complete about 2 months of work in the next couple weeks is quite daunting. Years ago, there would be a smoke hanging out the side of my mouth almost constantly when I was under this kind of pressure. Now, it's just a deep breath every now and then! NOPE, I'm not going to smoke today!
Hey Eyja! I know what you mean! Will be around smoking neighbors over the weekend as we imbibe around the fire pit! I'm going to remain up wind as much as possible!
Thanks for reviving this thread, Eyja. This is a brilliantly simple thread that new users should really check out and use.
Bottom line is that I can't change the past or predict the future. All I can do is manage my behavior today. Yet somehow, people seem to rack of years and years worth of smoke free todays, one at a time.
Hi Jim :) I am staying smoke free. Just getting through the long weekend can get a little trigger going so I wanted to remember NOPE! NOPE NOPE! I have made it through 3 yrs before and had a relapse, so I protect myself for those times when I can sometimes let my guard down. Seems that first campfire of the season with alcohol and those good ol' smoking friends around can be a trigger. But I made it through ok.
Thanks for your support bud. And thanks Workin' too :)
I'm glad you are pledging to to stay smoke free over your long weekend coming up too :)