Thanks for all the kind messages it means a lot to me
.I'm so glad many of us have succeeded after so many years.
Mach-You should right a book on how you did this, what a great example of determinism.
Duffis- Your posts early on really got me thinking about the addiction in a whole new light. Thank you very much for those thoughtful words
Dave- It was great to have you on board taking on the debates and conversations which you so feverishly took part in. You never gave up on anyone which I really admired.
Working- I barely got to know you when I took a little hiatus but you really have peeked into the addiction and have so many thoughtful insights. I'm very impressed.
Rock- I remember how solid you were in your conviction to quit early on. It reads through every message you send. So glad you continue to help others out like you do.
Lolly- What can I say but you were always an inspiration to me. Someone who lives in France and can keep her quit. Thanks for all your great advice.
My wish is to get the next Mach's, Duffis's, Dave's, Working's, Rock's, and Lolly's 1 and 2, and to keep the stats parade moving forward to the next generation. Let's hope all you newbies can get inspired.
It's very worth the QUIT!