Hi everyone. Unfortunately i got into a car accident yesterday. IT WAS NOT MY FAULT. I am actually very confident in my driving. anyhow, i am ok! I just wanted to share with you all that I did not have a panic attack before, during, or after the attack. HOwever, my anxiety was reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy high and I am stil nervous. I did not sleep all night because i keep thinking about the experience. It was not very pleasant because I am fearful person. But i'm trying to be strong. I just keep getting flash backs. My breathing was heavy all night cause its anxiety (i know it is, cause it only happens with i think about it) Do any of you have any advice for me to get up and drive again? I just feel nervous. I feel weird cause it was scary for me. I dont' want this experience to make me weaker. I want to learn from it and be stronger.......how can i do that?
Also, just to let you know. For any of you who are fearing driving or car accidents, its helpful to know that if you get into an accident (god forbid), you somehow get into this survival mode. Something happens to you where you are just a bit stronger than usual. Trust me, i'm the most fearful person ever. So if i can do it.....u can too. Dont worry. Drive save.
god bless u all!