Hi People ,
I haven't experienced that particular symptom & i sure hope i don't . sounds terrifying . i have my 1st appointment with a therapist on may 8th . i'm wishing it were sooner , this anxiety is becoming a full day , every day . hard to take . i really want to try to do this all without drugs on a daily basis but i feel the need for the occasional sedative . is Lorazepam a pretty mild one ? will it help ? and i would really love to hear more feedback on how well this program works . i've started week one , doing my homework ect . but i want to go to week 2 already ! want some normalacy back in my life . i'm very hopeful & scared too . this feels like a last resort , other than drugs . and i sure can't afford the therapist for very long .
I have that too. What is scary is that sometimes things are just familiar enough to cause a De-ja-vu feeling that triggers a --this is my last minute-- feeling. Hard to explain. Juat know that it is this crazy panic crap and try to breath deep and pull your shoulders back and continue on.
Wish it was that easy.....
I will pray for you.
I know what you are going through and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
Hi Anxious. This was one of my most scariest symptoms of anxiety as well. I took an anxiety class at the hosptial and for this symptom, we were told to pick out an object and stare at it. After a bit, the feelings of unreality will happen but do not look away, keep staring at the object. Do this a couple of times a day and soon you will not be afraid of this symptom and when it does happen, you will be able to ignore it and continue on easily with what you were doing. It works!!
Thank you Casey. It was really comforting to read that thread of posts. Sometimes it just really helps to find out that you're not alone in these feeling and that I'm not going crazy. I have printed it out and will read it once in awhile when I'm having the hardest time to remind myself that I'm really ok.
Hi Anxious_In_Toronto,
This is an anxiety symptom that you may want to try to incorporate into your panic program here.
As you mentioned, there have been some interesting posts here on the site that deal with this topic. Here is an example of a previous post. Sometime it is reassuring to read others experiences of a similar situation.
The Panic Center Support Team
Hey everyone. I just wanted to vent a little about a new anxiety symptom I've been experiencing. I have read a bit from some people's posts about that feeling of unreality that can happen. This is a new feeling for me. I have suffered from anxiety for most of my life, but specifically from panic attacks for about 8 years now. Over the last 2 months or so I've begun having these feelings where things feel unfamiliar and foreign to me. Its a frightening thing and once the feeling begins I can't let go of it. Out of all of the symptoms I've experienced so far I would have to say that this one by far is the scariest. I'm just wondering extreme this problem is for other people and how they deal with it. Is this something that I will have to deal with for the rest of my life, or will this feeling eventually fade?
Thanks for any input anyone can give me.