I currently experience my greatest amount of panic and anxiety when I go to class. I have to attend 5 days a week this quarter and I make myself go but I still experience significant anxiety. Some days are good and others I can barely make it to class. Then there are days when the anxiety is so intense I don't go or I have an attack in class and so I leave. How do I do exposure therapy to decrease my anxiety. I have been like this since this past April. I have noticed that I am a bit better than I was back in April but I still experience intense anxiety. I will be in class and I get dizzy then nauseated, flushed, then the chills, then heart pounds and I try to challenge my negative thoughts that something bad is going to happen but it is a constant struggle. It is exhausting because I go through this 5 days a week. It is Sunday evening now and I am already worried about the feelings I will experience tomorrow. How can I get over this fear when I expose myself everyday but I still experience the fear everyday? I talk myself through it and many times it works but it is a sigh of relief when class is let out. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. I used to love school and I stayed there for hours working as a Spanish tutor and secretary but now I can barely go and I hate it. Any comments would help. Thank you.