Yes,my grandpa is very anxious about his health, but he does not have panick attacks, and my other grandpa is bi-polar. My mother has a heart condition called mitro valve prolapse which i also have, but she dosnt worry about hers like i do mine. I guess it's just the way you react to things, and i am a VERY reactive person. I think we need to find some way some how to distract ourselves from the normal things that our bodies do. I mean, i know it feels sooooo real when we are having a panick attack, right? But dont you think that if we were REALLY having a heart attack we would definatley know it? I dont know, that's just an idea I guess.It's just the process of trying to figure out if we are really in danger or not, is the toughest part. Lets just keep trying, like I said, someday eventually we will get over this, that's what I keep telling myself anyway. Let me know how you are doing! ;)