I'm kinda glad someone brought this up, because I know I really need to go to the dentist, but all of a sudden I'm petrified of the novicaine. It's not the shot I'm worried about, but the numbness...for some reason I recently became phobic that the novicaine would not only numb my mouth but my throat also, making it hard to breathe. I don't know why all of a sudden this has become an issue because I've been to the dentist before and never has a problem.
I read the post about the "dream dentistry" and that might possibly work, but I also have a fear of taking pills, so that's kinda out of the question as well. I do like the suggestion about finding a dentist that will let you come there just to meet the dentist, then go back and have something small done, and so on. I think that might actually work the best. I'm hoping to get myself to the dentist by the end of the year and have everything that's wrong taken care of no matter what. Good luck to everyone with there dentist phobias, keep me posted and I'll do the same!