The Center for Addiction & Mental Health may be able to help you get a good referral. The MDAO is another good resource to consult!
Danielle, Bilingual Health Educator
Hey all!!! Hope all is well with everyone and that your Valentine's Day is going rather smoothly for you.
Does anybody know of any good psychiatrists/psychologists in Toronto? (or if they are taking new patients).... I had just recently moved and it's too hard for me to go on a 2 hour bus ride just to see my doctor to get some lorazepam and celexa. Please give me lists (names and phone numbers) of eligable doctors that can prescribe medications for major anxiety and such. Thank you ever so kindly and I hope to hear from you soon.
Below are ten questions you may find helpful in challenging your anxious thoughts:
The following ten questions will help you to challenge any anxious thoughts. When you have an anxious thought, answer some of these 10 questions:
1. Is it "true"?
2. How do I know it€™s true?
3. Is it 100% true? (remember something that is 75% or 99% true is
not 100% true)
4. What's the evidence for it being true?
5. What€™s the evidence against it being true?
6. Has it ever happened before?
7. What's different now?
8. If it were true, how bad would it really be?
9. What's the worst thing that could happen?
10. If the worst thing happened, how bad would it really be?
Please feel free to add any tips or strategies you find helpful when trying to challenge your anxious thoughts.
Sylvie, Bilingual Health Educator
Hiya Crossa,
I find that anger activates my body and makes me really anxious too. It took me a long time to learn to deal with my own anger. I also felt like I did not have a right to my own anger. With time and help tho, I feel more comfortable with myself and my feelings. But anytime we express ourselves I guess we feel vulenrable. Hng in there, things do get easier :)
hi again,
feel so good to get this all out. does this happen to anyone? i find that when i am angry i get very very anxious to the point of becoming silent. it is as though i feel i am not allowed to answer back the person whom i may be angry with. think it's because my family were very strict, but the anger gets bottled inside me and just for peace or for fear of losing a friend or for some other unknown reason, i remain silent and get anxious pretending everything is ok when it is not until the anxiety passes. i want to be able to express emotions that i feel.why can't i?
i've been here for few weeks now.i have social anxiety as well as agoraphobia. i think mine stems from low self esteem so i generally always feel rather awkward which then makes me panicky which then makes me focus on the symptoms of my panic, which i find incredibly difficult to bear (not because i think i'm dying but because i think i am acting or looking rather silly)..imagine being more afraid of looking silly than of dying!
Massage therapy has been shown to be helpful for those with anxiety. For you it may help until you get a better hold on this progressive relaxation technique. Keep in mind that seeing a trained & registered massage therapist is best as he/she is better equipped to evaluate what type of massage you should receive according to your current health status.
Please share your experiences!
Danielle, Bilingual Health Educator
Hi I have a problem where I feel all the muscles in my body tense up. I have just started my progressive muscle relaxation cd again but I was wondering if massage therapy could help with this? I've heard it works well for anxiety