I have a neurosis (anxiety, depression, negative thoughts) that follows me the last 6 years. Finally together with my psychoterapist I have found the cause of these illnesses. I think it's the first step for recovery. The cause is simple- I do not like to take responsibility of myself. When I see a problem, I start to worry about it, I frighten myself, then I look for some support and safety. I wait for anybody else to solve it (parents,friends,doctors etc). I was told I feel myself as a child that needs to be protected and supported. So, now I know it. And it will take some time, strength and knowledge to change my character step by step. I am 25 and I feel ashamed that I feel myself as a child. That's the cause of my illnesses. I am tired of living with them, of obeying my fear so I will do everything to change my character. I do not have anything to loose.
What are the causes of your fears?