First of all you're not alone. Most of what you are describing I have felt. I too remember being on edge all the time and wondering how the heck I was even going to begin if I couldn't slow anything down long enough to start. For me I had to take medication... but like you I was TERRIFIED of it and it took a long time to swallow the first pill... but 6 years later I know that it forever changed my life and gave me my life back.. so for that I'm thankful...
I find deep breathing to be very helpful as well.. I lie on the floor with my hand on my abdomen and practice filling my belly with air instead of my chest... long and slow... It is amazing what it does for me in the midst of panic... I'm currently learning about mindfulness and anxiety... Hopefully that will give me even more tools to work with.
As for flowing with the panic attacks I never became very good at still not ... I still talk them down instead of flowing with it... My subconscious fear is still to great I think... I'm very good though at asking the 10 questions and slowing it down that way...
Diva.. sounds like you have visualization down to an art. I gave up as I wasn't good at it all but after having just finished reading The Secret I'm trying again. Visualizing my life as it will be...and is... lol...
CM .. things will get better and we all feel at one time or another that this cycle won't end.. but it does... and even the baby steps count so remember all the good things in a day no matter how minute they may seem... small moments make big moments.. and baby steps add up to giant steps...
I find practicing box breathing once a day helpful. 1: It is relaxing once you get the hang of it! 2: I find if I practice I am better at it when an attack comes.
As for visualisation. It is something you practice to get better at. I used to be no good at it. But I got some tapes and techniques and practiced until I was good at it. Now, I don't have to practice so much anymore. I guess it is like riding a bike, once you get good at it, it is easier. But I do like to do it more regurlarly in times of stress as it helps decrease my stress levels. I got to the point where sometimes as I walk I stay aware of my suroundings (safety first!) and yet do a weird form of visualisation with my eyes open (i used to only be able with eyes closed. So with practice it does get easier!
Sorry to hear about your P'A's returning, glad to hear you were able to stop them from escalating. Do you have to keep telling yourself that you can handle it over & over again when you have the attacks?
What is box breathing, how often do you practice it & do you find it helps?
Thanks for your suggestions. I have made an attempt at the visualization & find it very hard to do. Is is something you have to practice as well as the deep breathing?
Do you do the deep breathing even when you don't have an anxiety/panic attack?
Hi there CM , sorry to read that you are no better . I myself this past week have gone back to the panic attacks and have no idea why , yes it does suck . I started taking medication 5 nights ago after 3 long months of avoiding them . Like you imk sick of fighting atm , its tiring and so depressing . Its the when is it going to ever end thing . arghhhh .
What i will say is that being here has helped me through it . I do box breathe every day , i make myself go out every day .
Npw back to the PA 's , you mentioned earlier about how you float with them . Thats what i thought as well but i can now , lets face it get enough pratice !! I had some pretty huge ones this week and before they would have knocked me for six and lasted alot longer than they did . But at the time it was happening that horrible voice piped up what if i cant handle this one . It takes every ounce of will to fight that voice and say i WILL beat this attack . I just say ive done this before i can do it again .
Im with you CM , we can get through this together hun , we can
I know right now it does not seem like it but things will get better! Just keep doing the program and working the tools you have. Mostly be patient with yourself and your recovery! I beleive you can do this! We are all here for you.
As for being on edge, I totally get that. I find that visualisation techniques and deep breathing helps a lot. Also, another of my tricks is distraction. I read, I watch a movie, anything to take my mind off of things!
Sorry I cannot be more helpful. Remember: This too shall pass!
Sorry about the new font , kinda defeating the purpose of getting help if no one can read it. Thank-you Diva for deciphering it.
My social worker said I need to practice relaxation techniques. I am on edge day/night. I just tried to do a body scan which is part of the Mindfulness course I went to & had a couple of panic attacks. You see I am terrified of meds & didn't go on them the first time I had the panic disorder and managed to conquer all my fears through desensitization. It terrified my but I knew I had no other choice to go through it.
How can I possibly relax when as soon as I get up in the morning I'm on edge thinking something is going to happen. Since my surgery I have to drink 5 cups of water a day & even doing this gives me panic every time I have to drink one.
I just don't see the nightmare ending!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!