HI DB, sorry to hear about your friend, thats awful. Miki, since i'm on the new meds, I have that slow falling back sensation as well, the doctor didnt seem
alarmed when I mentioned it, but its kind of scary.
Hello DB , i agree with Miki about seeing your doctor for peace of mind more than anything . Sorry to hear your sad news as well , that certainly hasnt helped you .
A couple of months ago i had headaches constantly ( in my high alert days) . Thank goodness they have cut right down .
When I hear scary news like that or see people suffering in pain, I imagine it happening to myself. Before I had anxiety, I thought it was selfish for anyone to think this, but now it's too obsessive to control it.
I often have this slowly falling back sensation... I guess it's like a really slow 'dizzy'. I got a CT scan for it and my brain was normal. But it still hasn't completely gone away and it scares me often.
I say, if it doesn't go away in a few more days, you should make an appointment with your doctor, just to check.
It seems to be concentrated specifically just above my left temple and is rather painful.
I have previously suffered from migraines and it's not as painful as a migraine, however it is painful to touch, which I've never had before.
It's always in the same place and has been going on for 3 days.
Of course I've now daignosed myself with a cerebral aneurysm, and have managed to convince myself that I'm going to die from it.
I can acknowledge that is irrational when I am thinking about it, but when I am just sitting or walking about and I feel the pain, I get these terrible thoughts.
Does anyone else experience this pain?
I really hope it does just go away. To be honest, I preferred the panic attacks. I've now realised I'm not going to die from them.
This is all made worse by the fact that a friend of mine recently died very suddenly from undiagnosed bleeding to the brain.