I agree that "pills don't teach skills," but I think they definitely have a place. Sometimes people are so sick that they cannot even function and need to be stabilized with medication before they are able to learn some skills. For example, when I first started counselling, my psychologist asked me to consider increasing my meds because all I did was cry through the entire session-it was difficult to make much progress! Or, sometimes their anxiety/depression is so great that it's a real challenge to start practicing their skills. For example, going back to work for me was extremely stressful and I was very anxious. So when I first returned I took ativan on a daily basis. Then, as I used my skills and began to feel more competent, the ativan was no longer necessary.
However, I have a real pet peeve with the many Doctors out there who prescribe antidepressants/antianxiety/etc. pills but don't strongly encourage the patient to seek counselling. I strongly believe that counselling should be seen as a necessary part of treatment. Drugs themselves don't do enough. I am thankful that I finally met a Doctor after 15 years that told me that medication would not be enough for me.
Sorry I'm posting to this thread a little late but just wanted to add my 2 cents. Although I wasn't on meds for my depression I do know of a person who is on them.
My friend said 2 years ago she wouldn't have dreamed she would be at the point she is today & she credits it all to her meds. She is on Zoloft for her depression and is now working as an ESL teacher, has her confidence back big time.
I really hope the meds work for your wife as I know from first hand experience how debilitating depression can be.
I hope the SSRI's work well for your wife. I would have tried them for my anxiety when I was in the worse of it but I am allergic lol.
Guys, I was wondering if any of you remember what section the thread about preparing for your doctor's appointment is. I feel so unprepared for my doc's app. tomorrow!
Hello Gene , it does take quite awhile to feel the benefit from them . Im beginning to now , think ive been on them 2 months . OOOer my memory . Fingers crossed for your wife .
Thanks for the informative post. My wife is on an SSRI for the last three weeks and I have been prescribed some by my Doctor. Your post puts things in perspective. She is not doing that well on them yet but she only just began the course.
Thank you soooo much for all the replies. It is really helping me along in my reflections on the subject. I go see my doctor next week and I want to be prepared for a discussion on all of this. So thanks so much!
I remember there being a post about preparing for the doctor appointment. Anybody remember in which part of the forum?
I really do want to be prepared!
Ultimately though, I know the meds thing is my decision and that I need to do what is right for me. I just find it helpful to have all you lovely people help me think on it!
I hope my post didn't come across as defensive or snarky. Rereading it I'm not sure... That's not how I meant it if it did Charlie. Sorry. I just wanted to clarify the details surrounding a few of your points is all. Especially for those new to the disorder, treatment and or the program.
I did just want to clarify that herbs do have side effects and lots of them. For you they may be the right fit but they should still be monitored closely, especially at first. As with anything that alters your chemical balance there can be side effects. As well with herbs they can be VERY dangerous to someone who has a heart condition or underlying disorder that they do not know about... so we all need to be careful no matter what our choice of treatments are. People tend to get a false sense of safety because they think something is "natural".
As for the Paxil.. and your cousins. I'm very sorry for your loss first and foremost. BUT I wanted to clarify that rate is less than 1% of patients exhibiting suicidal behaviour and of that less than .3 of a percent attempt it and of that even fewer succeed. Suicidal thoughts can become more intense or surface on ANY antidepressent especially at the beginning of treatment and especially for those that are younger (teenage years to young adulthood). Again this is why medications and supplements should be under the care of a physician etc. This does not negate or downplay anyone who has been affected by these drugs and intense thoughts and even taken their lives. It is all tragic. The medications though help more than they don't and for those that need them they need to know this.
I will say if I had read your post when I first started taking it it would have really freaked me out... and my thoughts would have gone off the charts. I may even have stopped taking the drug out of fear and would not be where I am today.
For those of you new to taking meds though (especially Paxil) I wanted to reassure you and JUST KEEP TALKING TO YOUR DOCTOR AND NOTIFY THEM IF THESE FEELINGS DO SURFACE. It is very uncommon but it does happen. Many medications can bring these feelings on... especially drugs to treat exactly that. Ironic...
Thanks for sharing everyone... and CD.. I think your attitude is fantastic. I think doing what is right for you is the only thing. That's how I feel... I do what's right for me and my "quirks"...
Maybe you should try herbal supplements, i've been on them going on 5 months and they do help, but i still need to work on the positive thinking and the program.I'm alot better now then i was before. I was on lorazepam for the first 4 months of my panic problem but i really didn't want to be on meds, but my doctor told me to try paxil they didn't agree with me and my cousins,were on paxil and they both commited suicide years apart from eachother and i don't want to die i want to get better!!He also tried me on effexor and they also didn't agree with me so i swear by the herbs the ones i'm on are pretty much just vitamins and some herbs, so there are no side effects which i love i don't need to have to worry about anything else i worry enough lol!!Well i hope you find what works for you take care.