It looks like Me and Sunny will keep you motivated. Real friends do that, no beating around the bushes. We want you around for a long time. If we nag it is because we love you. Believe me if you can quit you will feel a lot better, but like anxiety it will take a while to totally clear your lungs. New mantra. " I will be able to do any thing". Give it a try.
Bet you wish you hadn't mentioned it. Too late girl. Here for you even when you start to wish we weren't.
First of all it is great to hear that you are seriously thinking about quitting smoking. It might be a good idea to check out our sister site to find out more information about quitting smoking. There you will find an online program that will help you prepare for your quit and also helps you prepare to deal with the withdrawal. You can also post in the support groups or read through the forums to find out how others have challenged their negative thoughts about quitting.
You are making a really great decision Red, check in and let us know how this goes.
What will be your game plan for this quit? How will you stay motivated?
Is this a good time to mention lung cancer? That's what my friend died from last October. Sorry, don't want to scare anyone, but it is a reality. She was a very stubborn person and wouldn't quit even while on radiation/chemo therapy.
I quit cold turkey when I was twenty six and had trouble for a while but I think I am the exemption. I have a guy coming to my place tomorrow who is quitting again. This time he has some sort of prescription gum he is using and he says there are no side effects. He is not grumpy or short tempered and has no shortage of energy. I will find what he is using. I would love for you to quit and wish I could be there with you to help you. My therapist is trying to quit also and I give her **** every time I see her but them she can handle it. Are you sure you will get anxiety? You are a different person now. Much stronger. Imagine how positive and reinforcing this will be if you pull it off. Well worth the try.
I know this may not be the site to mention this but I am thinking about quitting smoking again. I am having a hard time trying to learn to challenge my anxious thoughts about quitting. I know I will have a lot of anxiety when I first quit and will be short tempered and I will have to learn to deal with my emotions, such as anger,anxiety,depression etc without nicotine and this is scary. I quit for 35 days about 2 yrs ago and my emotions got the best of me and I relapsed. The idea of quiting is scary but the alternative is also scary too. I have exercise hyper tension now, shortness of breath and some restrictive lung problems plus high lipid levels and can not really do the things I want to anymore because I smoke. With each failed attempt I have gained 10 lbs which is a total of 40 lbs now, which is not helping the situation any. I am really looking for help in finding ways to challenge my anxious and negative thoughts as it relates to quiting smoking? If anyone has any ideas I would be more than happy to listen? Thanks in advance.