Anerol, beautiful dream. I was able to pull out a few values from what you said. Let me know if you think they are correct. The values I heard are nature, learning, travel, multiculturism, adventure, independence, art and more specifically music.
Red, some values I could pull from your dreams are as follows (again let me know if you disagree with any): animals, nature, health, freedom, security and creativity.
For both of you, how can you take these values and incorporate them into your life today? Possibly focus on just one of these values and think of something this week then can be fufilling.
Members, please add your dreams and think about how you can honour some core values within your dreams today!
A great discussion was started in another thread about members dreams. I thought it would be a great discussion so I decided to create a seperate thread for it!
Here is some discussion was was added:
From Anerol: My dream is to travel the world. Get a big ship one day and just cruise the 7 seas. I don't know if it'll happen but this dream has given me motivation and I am studying geography and cultures of the world right now via the library. And it is taking me somewhere already with new knowledge. Some of my other many dreams are to open an art gallery one day and to become a musician... I have many more. Anyways, thanks for asking, it was fun answering.. haha. What about you?
From Red: A gallery of your own sounds wonderful and traveling the seas on your own ship would be grant. As for me I would like to have 10 acres of my own with a nice house not to big, a barn or shop and lots of shade trees and birds and wild life. Natural walking trails would be nice, I would also like to have a small lap pool to exercise in, a hot tub and a dry sauna. Most of all I would like to have so much space that I could look out across the horizon and not be able to see a single house or person for as far a I could see. This is my dream one that I think about often. Thanks for asking.