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Very Scared

for 13 år siden 0 424 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Debora...
I do hope your feeling better...
Its so hard to get a grip on anxiety and panic...but it can be done!
I have fought this for a long time myself...
I am learning new ways to help myself everyday,and there are lots of good people here that understand what your going through!
So,please take a look at all the tools to help you here..there are some good ones..
Be nice to yourself,
There are times i too have to take something to help me through..thats ok
Sunny and Davit have give you some good points here to try and do..
Hope you feel better soon!

for 13 år siden 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you so much Sunny and Davit you both sound like you really understand how painful this disorder is and how I feel.
Tonight I have such a severe headache, its different from my "normal" headaches  like I am having sharp pains all over, I am hoping it is because I have been reading a lot and trying not to think is a stroke or something. I am doing my diary and homework and doing my best to feel better. That was very helpful advice Sunny what you said and I will do it. As I mentioned I cannot take the antidepressants they made me violently ill and sent me to ER {that I am sure does not happen to most people I am just so med-sensitive} the klonopin helps take the edge off but I would rather not take meds but when the panic and anxiety get SO very bad I have no choice but to take the klonopin. I think the main problem is the hypocrondria I have to get over the feeling that I am dying all the time, that is what led to having panic attacks and then to depression.
I am going to really commit to getting better for my son whom I love dearly and who needs me with his special needs. Thank you all for being so kind and warm to me it means so much, thank you.
for 13 år siden 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Debora:  Yes, all those symptoms will lessen with time.  Your body is exhausted right now.  You do need to rest as much as you can.  If you feel like taking a nap in the afternoon, give in, but not too long as you don't want it to interrupt your nighttime sleep.  I think they say a nap is about half an hour or so.  I remember when I first started the healing process I could only plan one outing or event a day.  It exhausted me.  If I shopped for groceries that day, that was it, no other store.  In time with rest and good nutrition I got stronger.  It did not happen overnight.  Took a few months for me.  I had exhausted my body that much from too much adrenalin rushing for too long a period of time, with very bad sleepless nights.
On the days you can't eat, nauseus and all, have you tried ginger mint tea?  It really works for nausea for me.  I would suggest you also have at least some soup and crackers, or a couple of scrambled eggs on the days you can't eat.  Maybe a beef/chicken broth.  Some people like the meal replacement drinks such as Ensure or Resource, just for those days when you find it difficult to eat. 
And if you feel like crying - go ahead.  I found that a great stress reliever - I used to go and cry in the shower so the kids didn't hear me. lol.  Have you tried a hot bath - as hot as you can stand it and relax in the tub.  You could put some soothing music on, light a candle.  You need some "me" time.  It's time to pamper yourself right now.  Give yourself permission to take care of yourself.  If your best friend was crying and upset and frightened as you are at times, what would you do for her?  You deserve as much love and attention.  You will heal with time and the knowledge you get from CBT program will help you understand what your body is going through and why.  It will help you change those negative (sometimes scary thoughts of illness) to positive thoughts.  You will learn about yourself, you will learn your own triggers and you will learn what works for you and what doesn't. 
I know the symptoms can be frightening but if you understand that they are coming on because you are anxious, you will also understand that as you calm yourself (and you will learn how in the lessons/chapters) that they can also recede just as quickly. 
There are many coping tips on the site from the members.  Have you tried reading past posts?  Lots of information and inspiration.
Keep posting and let us know how it's going.  We care and we've all been there at the beginning. 
for 13 år siden 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

As Sunny mentioned being tired or having a lot of anxiety can cause a person to try to panic but with time and this program you can learn to handle it so it doesn't happen. A while back I took a medication that had anxiety as a side effect and it opened up that old can of worms again and I have been fighting the urge to panic and have had a few attacks but they were so mild I don't think they count. In fact if I had of took a valium at the first sign they might have passed. I guess I just wanted to see if I could get by without it. Once I misjudged the signs for indigestion and a head ache. It happens, no big deal. But yes some days I get quite nauseous without it actually causing panic. More often than I like and it is affecting my mood. Stress can cause all kinds of problems.

for 13 år siden 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you Sunny for your reply, that must of been so scary for you I am so glad you are alright! I am so hoping the techniques can work for me too, this has been so hard on my body my marriage my health and my whole life.
I did not panic today {thank you God} but I have felt very physically sick all day. I woke up with a horrible headache I could barely see and very sick too my stomach, I thought I was having a stroke or some terrible fatal virus, I did not eat all day and I slept a lot which I did not want too do. Does anyone {even when not having an attack} feel sick and tired, nacous and dizzy and just plain blahh? I am afraid these bodily symptoms will bring on an attack, its very scary then I get depressed and cry and go to bed because I cannot handle the symptoms, is this normal? too feel sick even when not having a full blown attack?
I long for the day I can feel healthy and strong again, I feel if I could go just one short week I could turn the corner, depression with panic really is rough, and when I feel sick I get so anxious. Will this lessen in time? its so scary to feel so sick I feel so alone and terrified, my family and friends have just about given up on me and that makes me so sad, its hard for them to understand when they do not suffer from it, it makes me feel very bad, I hope this program can help me get my life back.
for 13 år siden 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Debora and Welcome:  Yes, my bp has been very high - past 240/120.  The hospital staff thought I would have a stroke, stayed in ICU for awhile as it wouldn't go down.  Now I am much better, it is controlled and yes, you can get better too.  Anxiety does cause bp to rise and fast too.  I find the breathing exercises and visualization, muscle relaxation ex. very good for this.  I used to do them morning and night for about 10-15 minutes each time.  Now I do them when needed.  I no longer have panic att. but I do sometimes get symptoms when I am overtired or stressed about something, but it no longer escalates to a panic level.
Hope you work the program, do the homework and practice these relaxation techniques.  I'm sure you will find them helpful too.  Ask as many questions as you want and know that we care and will answer. 
for 13 år siden 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you all for responding to me so warmly. I had trouble logging back in for two days or I would of wrote sooner I am so glad I was able to log back in today. I am so hoping this program will give me my life back, the panic and depression have been very severe and therapy has not been helpful and since I cannot take antidepressants because of the terrible side effects I suffered I am hoping that healing and recovery can still take place, my son needs me very much and I feel so bad that this disorder has effected him. Thank you so much again for welcoming me, everyone's words meant a lot.
for 13 år siden 0 424 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Debora..
Please feel free to express yourself,and just vent all you need to here..
I too have anxiety problems,and fears like evryone here..but the tools do help you!
I am on celexa 20mg right now,and xanax 2 times a day to help me get through it..
I hope in a short time,i can be better than i am right now..but i does not happen overnight..
Be kind to yourself,and know were all here for you!
for 13 år siden 0 517 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Debora,
Nice to meet  you. You are not alone in this and you deserve better support than how others have treated you through this. It's not your fault. Just keep venting here, let it all out!!

for 13 år siden 0 12049 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome and thank you for sharing your story with us. There are many people within this support group that share the same questions and concerns as you.  We are all a group of individuals who support each other at any age!  

If you look to the left of the screen under "TOOLS" you will find many supportive tests.  These tests are not diagnostic tools and are not a replacement or substitute for a physician's advice. The purpose of these tests is to prepare you with information that you can present to your physician or therapist.

We also have developed a Panic Program.  This program is 12-weeks and involves the tools mentioned above.  Each session is based on the previous session, so we strongly advise that you work slowly through the program and not jump ahead.  

These tests may assist in helping you understand and helping you progress forward.  The members are supportive, knowledgeable and amazing, so please post often with questions.
We know you are scared, but you have reached out and made the first step. Try the program, step by step..it can make a difference!
Josie, Health Educator

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