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Negative and positive.

for 12 år siden 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Okay winding down now, Ignore the grammar mistakes, it is after midnight here.

Hope you are reading these in sequence if you haven't got lost or bored.

So now it is not your fault. It is the fault of core beliefs, core thoughts (spin off from core beliefs)
Reactions to your surroundings or worst of all being negative because everyone seems to be. 
It is natural to be negative around negative people. This is just trying to socialize and fit in. Unfortunately too much of this is damaging. Lead positively, don't follow negatively.
It is only your fault if you do nothing about it. 
It is hard to change I will admit but it is necessary if you want to be cured. And starting with a positive attitude and perception is the way to bury the negativity around you so you will not store it where it will get used to make you more negative. 
Isn't it worth the work to never have another ( almost never even will do) reaction causing a panic attack. You will never get rid of all the negative, some of it is necessary for survival but you can leave it out of the reaction loop if it is not necessary and if you have something positive to use instead. But again without a positive attitude and positive perception you will not have anything positive to use. 
Now you know in changing core beliefs there is one more thing. Belief.... Same here,you have to really believe you can do this to make it work.
Believe it or not this took more than one session with my therapist and a lot of replaying to finally understand it.

Information not instruction. Just something I wanted to babble about in the we hours of the morning :-).

Who seems to be back in all his annoying glory. At least I'm happy with me and you really do have to be happy with you before you can be happy.
for 12 år siden 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Read the other one first.

Continuing on how I was taught about negative and positive.

So going back to the triangle. Three corners, all related. You can't have just two, all three work together. 
So back to how it works. An example of a day gone bad. You are doing something pleasant and you have a panic attack. You are having a bad day and panic, or you have a good or bad day and don't panic. the choice is yours based on attitude and perception even if your memory is full of negative thoughts. How can this be. Attitude mostly.
So I'll start with the most annoying. A good day and you still panic. 
Over the years living in a negative world with negative surroundings and/or negative peers you have unconsciously built a negative attitude. So going around the triangle because you can not otherwise. You are sitting there watching a good movie and it seems you panic out of the blue. Not really remember everything you do with your senses has to pass through your thought memory before you can react or store it. You have to store it in temporary memory or there would be no continuity to the storey. So you are already playing the loop so you can follow it. Going back over the storey line and adding to it as it happens. Unconsciously everything is being compared to past thoughts and actions to give you a reaction. This is intelligence Finding the best thought to cause the best reaction or stored thought. Stored to in turn be used with the next opening of the thought corner of the triangle. Remember this because it is important. 
Now if you have a memory full of negative thoughts because of a negative attitude from living in negative surroundings then you will have negative perception. So some little miniscule thing passes through this memory loop, and you bring up only negative thoughts because that is all you have to compare to this miniscule thought. Now you don't want to do this but your mind says keep looking and here is where you break the normal flow and stop to think so to speak. 
All this negativity is causing a negative reaction which is looping back to the thought corner and adding to the reaction. Unless you find something positive you will panic and if you still don't find something positive this looping turns it into an attack. All because a negative attitude causes negative perception. 
now if you had a positive attitude, when this little miniscule (Or bigger) sense passes through thought even though it's natural reaction (probably a survival thing.) is to bring up something negative from a life of storing negative thoughts you have a choice. you can dig deeper and find something positive. All done at the speed of light remember. This is not a slow process. 
and if you do find or create a positive thought out of a positive perception it will cause a positive reaction that goes into memory, (temporary or permanent) and is there to be used again next time you need one.
This can only work if you have a positive attitude and a positive perception. They can even turn a negative thought around, by simply saying subconsciously. "this thought is not true anymore".
But if you insist on living in a negative world your thoughts are going to be negative no matter what sort of day you start out with.
Worst case of a negative life is the "poor me syndrome". This is a very negative core belief.

Getting long. Going to post again.

for 12 år siden 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You won't find the panic triangle on the net, at least not under that name. It is from my therapist in one of our conversations explaining why panic happens or PTSD or just every day events, but since it explains panic most she calls it that. It is slightly different from the cognitive triangle which is a tool rather than an explanation.

The cognitive triangle can be used to change thinking by the use of a combination of perception and attitude through thought. All things go through thought. How they make that journey dictates how your day will be. And not all negative is negative, attitude and perception can use it to create something positive. So this is more about using positive to create something positive out of something negative. 
From this point this is just something taught to me I thought I'd pass along. 
When you have a negative moment you can look at it as it is, negative, or you can use attitude and perception to make something positive out of it. All the things you do or see or hear or feel have to pass through thought and get analysed by your thought memory at the speed of light before they turn into action and/or get stored in memory also. 
Say you get up in the morning and something triggers a negative thought. Before it can become an action it passes through your thought memory and you compare it to past thoughts looking for an appropriate reaction. This is based on past reactions and learned reactions. All happening so fast you don't notice it happening. (thank God or you would go crazy.) So it stands to reason that if your memory is full of negative thoughts based on a negative life and negative reactions you are going to be faced with negative thoughts and reactions to pick from. Now this doesn't happen overnight except in the case of trauma. But that is another story. Where attitude and perception come in is with a positive attitude you won't accept the negative thought that comes to mind but look for something positive and with the help of perception use it to create a positive reaction to the trigger. Be it negative or positive. See it can be a positive trigger (for lack of a better word) that passes through a memory of negative thoughts that turns it into a negative reaction.  Some one here said how can I be having a good day and have a panic attack. 

Going to post this and continue so I don't lose it. I type slow.


for 12 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Not to worry..No harm. No foul..  My partner helped me and took me to the lake to walk so I could change the direction of my thoughts..I am feeling fine and we are looking forward to a nice quiet evening together..
Talk to you soon..
for 12 år siden 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I had a post about a mile long on this subject but lost it. It was about perception and attitude.

You don't have to feel depressed or that it is hopeless since you have the right attitude and perception to find the positive when negative intrudes. 

More on this later when I have a break or it gets dark. 

for 12 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Actually I didn't find the panic triangle on the net but I did the the a Cognitive Triangle and used it yesterday and found it very helpful..I do have a lot of negative thoughts in my memory from past experiences in my life..I can't change the past, these are things that just happen in life that I can not do anything about or change..I do think that I can get better..
The idea that if my memory is full of negative thoughts on previous actions and I keep adding to them then it is going to take a long time if at all to get better is a very depressing thought in its self, that is for sure..but I have hope and faith that anything is possible. If I have faith and trust my higher power and use my own judgment I will be healed...
So for now I am going to go to the lake and walk and clear my head and fill my mind with positive thoughts.
for 12 år siden 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Ingrained is for sure. But what is a panic disorder other than an overload of ingrained negative thought when you break it right down. So it should be hard to do. That saying "old habits die hard". The theory behind the panic triangle is that everything goes through thought memory before being turned into action. Even things that don't cause panic. The more thoughts in your thought memory the more choices. (not including instinct) But if your memory is full of negative thoughts on previous actions and you keep adding to them then it is going to take a long time if at all to get better. It doesn't go away on it's own, the situation might change so it seems so but it is still there. You just might have got tired of running to the negative.
So it is good that there are programs like this because information is of no value without some direction to use it. 
This is just me babbling. The program can be done, CBT can cure panic attacks with little knowledge. Just like you can drive a car without knowing anything about how they work. Just repetition. But just like driving a car, the more situations you have been in the better your choices when a quick decision has to be made. If your memory is full of bad experiences driving a car they don't have to make driving difficult. Perception allows you to use these bad experiences in a positive way, making you a better driver. 
Same with anxiety. Perception can make all those negative things very usable. Bordering on exposure here.
So everyone, ignore my babbling and do the program. It is all you need. And I need lunch because there is still a lot of work to do before it snows. And that in itself could be depressing if I let it.

By the way you won't find the panic triangle on the net, It was taught to me by my therapist who is very up to date and very knowledgeable. She actually likes doing what she does and is not just in it for the money. The stuff we talk about is well past anything I needed to be cured, I just find it very interesting. It made it a lot easier dealing with my friends that have actual mental diseases. I see them in a different light. I have to say thank God I only have a panic disorder, life could be a whole lot worse.

for 12 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Change is not easy and it takes effort..I think a person has to want to change with every bit of there heart and soul. Then you have to start looking at yourself and decide what you want to change and what you want to keep. When doing this look for the things you like about yourself and build on those things...Try not to dwell on the things you don't like. Begin with something small..For instance I need to get more exercise and I know when I get out and walk I feel a lot better..So I say to myself why sit around here and do nothing I know if I get up and get moving I will feel a whole lot better..Than take action,
start doing something,,go for a walk, do some cleaning, do a little work in the garden, fix a nice meal or if you need to rest spend so time reading, doing a crossword puzzle etc. etc. or working on a hobby. Just do a little something..You don't have to make it a chore or exhausting..Just what I can do now. I will feel better both physical and emotionally..In the end I will get stronger and will be able to do more..Find something to do and you will feel so much better about you...
for 12 år siden 0 11223 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Davit,
Interesting discussion!  Behaviour change is certainly hard to do. Once habits and behaviours are learned and engrained it is difficult to change them. Just think how long it took you to learn to think a certain way and all the influences that reinforced this thinking. Then add a mental disorder to the issue like panic or depression and it can get even more challenging. The key is to focus on your successes and keep at it. If it was easy then we wouldn't have programs like this! 
Members, what are your thoughts?
Ashley, Health Educator
for 12 år siden 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I thought this was important enough that I should use my coffee break to mention it. 

What is negative, what is positive? Just words really, but what do they mean to you? 

I keep thinking there should be different words because in the rest of the world negative is not really a bad thing. In electricity it is a safe thing. In thunderstorms it is a deadly thing. 

In anxiety and panic disorders negative is anything that is damaging to how you think. That is, as far as I am concerned, the key word. "Damaging"  Positive is the opposite but here it gets expanded. Positive is "healing". Positive is "enlightening". Positive is "pleasant". 
So what would be better words for these two sides of the same coin.

Negative is anything that causes a person to feel bad.  Any form of bad. Mental or physical.
Negative thought can make you feel bad. So you don't want to go there. Back to that word again. "Negative". I keep thinking there should be a word that explains it better. 

Positive on the other hand is anything that makes you feel good or leads to making you feel good.

Now let me throw a wrench in the works because I see it here often enough. 
Negative can make you feel good in the form of venting. But in this case venting is a good reaction to a bad situation. AS LONG AS you feel good after and discard the vent. 
BUT it can be like alcohol, one drink is okay, but one after another leads to depression. Thinking about everything bad that happens to you all day long will only lead to more bad.
Thinking about the few good things leads to more good things. Never mind the bad things, they happen to every one.

So I guess I've answered my own question. 
Negative is bad thoughts and actions or thoughts and actions that make you unhappy and lead to anxiety and panic.
Positive is good thoughts and actions that lead to more good thoughts and actions.

So CBT is actually replacing bad thoughts and actions with good. 
Why is this so hard to do? No honestly, why is it so hard to do? Because it is. Over and over we run back to the bad thoughts and actions. Anyone know why? I don't other than we are comfortable there. I just know not to, and I guess that is why I'm better now. I don't allow myself to rest there when they come up.

Davit.  Coffee break is over, back to the grunge work. (positive in that I am doing it for more than just me)

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