JDoe, thanks for the post. It helped to know someone is listening :)
Davit, thanks for your post here too. My mind knows that the people who hurt me were unable to be better because of their own traumas and reasons, but my mind does not run the show....not all the way anyways.
I carry around a part of me that does not understand the trauma and cannot understand it because that part of me is the age i was when it happened. I did not used to believe in that sort of idea that we have this "inner child" but my inner child has tried to be heard so badly in the last few years that even though I like to think of myself as very rational and science minded and I don't personally find much solace in spiritual based ideas taken on faith, I "feel" that inner child who keeps asking "why" and my adult self responds and it isn't 'clicking'. At least that is what I am interpreting in trying to understsand why i am 'stuck" and why therapy has not worked.
the therapists keep talking to the adult part of me, my mind. my mind gets it. but again, it doesn't run the whole show. if all we were was rational, well we'd have a lot less problems on the one hand but we wouldn't be expressive or creative would we ?
I have experienced regression in the sense that my emotions are sometimes expressed the way a frustrated 2 year old expresses their emotions. I do believe in healing but so far have not found all the pieces to the puzzle as to how to do that. 2 year olds are not very good at forgiveness. it is a more complex process that we humans develop later on. I am not making excuses for myself at all, just trying to find a way for me to eventually forgive all and be free.
As you know i have been posting about the limitations of CBT for a while. Not sure if these comments are tootally welcome on this forum but I do want to say that CBT can help a lot, and has helped me to think less negatively. but there are limitations I am finding and want those to be shared so I / we can all move along together towards more and more freedom! :)