I had already been there and done that today before I posted it ..and was having a nice cup of tea at home when I posted about it here..so I guess I would have to say it was a very nice day..
I will definitely check it out. I was just noticing that working on a crossword puzzle is on the self-nurturing activity list that I have! Here are some more for today that I like (from the huge list I was given)
Hug a child
Look at the clouds
Take 10 deep breaths
Go to the beach
The last one resonates with me because one of my meditations requires me to think of the "most peaceful place on earth". I always imagine a beach. Today is a beautiful day where I live and I am going to make a point to get to a beach later - even if for just a few moments. It's my gift to myself for the day! AND I'm going to hug my kids - can't think of anything better than that one!
Yes you are right, it is Nicholas Lyndhurst that was in Butterflies and Only Fools and Horses. I think I read somewhere that they are remaking OFAH in the US and that they are just casting it now. The writer was the late John Sullivan and the US remade one of his comedies called "Dear John" which was good.
I looked up Only Fools and Horses and it looks like we can get it on DVD here in the States. I recognized the son from a show that I used to watch called "Butterflies". I am a big fan of British television - so I will have to take you up on your idea!
Having a a late breakfast in a cafe whilst everyone else is at work and school.
Watching "Only Fools and Horses" hope that some of my American friends out there know what this is as it is a great show. I will also pick an American comedy and I will say "Everybody Loves Raymond"